J104 Linda M
Location: Sorrento, VIC
Name Owner (Number)
LINDA M F Allen (2)
LISA I H Kambo (1)
Built/Builder: 1971/Savage
Note from Fred Jan 2020.
LindaM is still for sale and I’m just this moment working on the wheel bearings on the tandem trailer. J104’s genealogy - was owned in the 70’s by Henry Kambo as “Lisa” after his daughter. The boat went onto the rocks at RBYC and was wounded on the port side and high up on the starboard side. Henry asked for the insurance to provide him with a new boat and they authorised J117 which he called “Lisa II”. He was always going to repair it, but it remained at Sorrento for 20 years until my son Don, who had just won the Huntingfield in borrowed J117. Six month’s later J104 was completely repaired, and cleaned up the Ballarat centenary regatta winning all the heats. It’s competed well including a couple of JA Linacres. It was recently used to train international team members at SSCBC, and I got to steer it for a minute or two.
The boat still goes like a rocket. My son-in-law Stuart Hardisty has skippered J104 many times and wins every time.
I dislike the idea of selling her, but I’m too old and stiff to do it any more and Barbara, my forward hand, is just as reluctant. If people want to inspect, it’s at 18 Links Road. A few suits of sails, and tons of fittings, including battery navigation lights. I used to sail by myself in the moonlight, and if you’ve never done it, it’s magic – the jib telltales become very visible after a few minutes (full moon and clear skies, mind). Fred

J105 Windfall
Location: Ballaarat YC
Name Owner (Number)
WINDFALL C & T Cree (6)
WINDFALL W Varzon Morell (5)
WINDFALL K Bermingham (5)
WINDFALL J Easton (4)
WINDFALL K Scott & P Cox (3)
WINDFALL Tony Hellmrich (2)
WINDFALL R Davis (1)
Built Builder: not set/Savage
Notes Bob Davis 07/07/2010 As to J41 Kimba, prior to 1968 it was owned by Dick Ridoutt and Colin Wright. In 1968 I bought out Colin Wright and owned Kimba with Dick Ridoutt until in 1971, I won J105 Windfall in the raffle and J41 was sold to Des Kearney. (Dick Ridoutt would be well into his 90's and now lives in Toorak).
Further as to J105, you can imagine the angst amongst the Victorians when there was the big drawing of the raffle function. The only ticket sold in NSW was the winner. Tickets were $10 each, quite a lot of money then.
Don Taylor in Sydney was doing very well in his timber Corella. Knowing that what would be the first glass Jube to come to Sydney was on its way, Don ordered a glass hull, with my J105 Windfall and Don's J107 (Corella like his timber Jube), both coming up the Hume on the one truck.
The Commodore of Royal Sydney Yacht Club at the time was Dicko Dickson. It considerably helped in transport from the Savage Yard to the lawns of RSYS, that Dicko also happened to be Chairman of Brambles Transport Industries. I am still waiting for the bill.
I later took J105 back to Melbourne for what I think was the 1975 Huntingfield. I still have nightmares about backing my Rover and trailer along the RBYC jetty after Windfall was lifted into the water. Similar nightmares because nobody had told me about turning right from the left lane and a tram seemed to think I should know.
I had said earlier that I sold Windfall to Tony Hellmrich, in fact Sandy Hellmrich.
Coincidentally with hearing from you, I to-day pick up a half-hull model of a Jube from a local modeller who has worked on it from the detail in the Jubilee book.
Cheers, Bob Davis, an E24 owner on the Swan for 32 years but who thinks very fondly of his Jubilee days.
Bob Davis 25/6/2010 I was actually the first, not 2nd owner of Windfall. I had won the hull in the raffle to raise funds to defray the cost of the mould to start building Jubes in fibreglass. As a raffle prize, the name windfall was appropriate to its method of acqisition as well as being nautical.
I moved to WA late 1976 with employment and sold Windfall to Tony Hellmrich, who soon sold on to Ken Scott and Tony Cox. Prior to getting Windfall, I had Kimba J41 which I sold to Des Kearney on getting Windfall. The only Jube I have seen in Perth has been BJ1, which sat on a mooring in Matilda Bay on the Swan for about 4 years before disappearing. I had seen it with sails up only twice, first time I could not believe my eyes.
Location: Ballaarat YC, VIC
Name Owner (Number)
Squggle Ben Fels Sorrento Sailing and Couta Boat Club
Squggle Michael Morrow Ballaarat Yacht Club (9)
RessurAction Neil Cameron (8)
SELENE Sorrento Sailing Couta Boat Club (7)
SELENE Andrew McLaren (6)
SELENE K Wright (5)
SELENE M Russell (4)
SELENE R Coleman & D Silva (3)
SELENE W Parker (2)
SELENE K Williams (1)
Built Builder: 1971/Savage
Notes Owned by Michael Morrow and currently under restoration.

J107 Corella
Location: Ballaarat YC, VIC
Name Owner (Number)
CORELLA K Robinson (5)
CORELLA J McKean (4)
CORELLA RBYC Jubilee Fleet (3)
CORELLA S Watts & Gillard (2)
CORELLA D Taylor (1)
Built/Builder: 1971/Savage Serial No 71-8

J108 Butterfly
Location: Sorrento, VIC
Name Owner (Number)
BUTTERFLY S Harvey (5)
BUTTERFLY F Allen / D Allen (4)
BOREAS F Quick (3)
BOREAS L Pound / F Quick / (2)
LYLA A Woodland (1)
Built/Builder: 1971/Savage

J109 Stormalong
Location: Ballarat Yacht Club, Vic.
Name Owner (Number)
STORMALONG John Mason (4)
Built/Builder: 1971/Savage

J110 Killara
Location: Sorrento, VIC.
Name Owner (Number)
KILLARA G Nettle (6)
KILLARA R Chisholm (5)
JOA N Neale / (4)
LYLA A Woodland / (3)
KILLARA N Watson (2)
KILLARA K Hack (1)
Built/Builder: not set/not set

J111 Chaos
Location: Sorrento, VIC
Name Owner (Number)
CHAOS T Moloney (4)
CHAOS M Wright (3)
CHAOS P Wright (2)
CHAOS G Douglas (1)
Built/Builder: not set/not set

J112 Golden Girl
Location: Ballaarat Yacht Club, VIC.
Name Owner (Number)
GOLDEN GIRL C Bluett (5)
GOLDEN GIRL W Crouch and C Bluett (4)
GOLDEN GIRL N Drayton (3)
IDANO F Whitworth (1)
Built/Builder: not set/not set
J113 Pindiwirra
Location: Low Head, TAS
Name Owner (Number)
PINDIWIRRA J and G Dineen (7)
PINDIWIRRA R Pearson (4)
PINDIWIRRA D Burrows (2)
Built/Builder: not set/not set

J115 Taj
Location: Cronulla NSW
Name Owner (Number)
TAJ S Wright (4)
TAJ P Kopke (3)
TAJ W Matthews (2)
TAJ K Atkins (1)
Built/Builder: not set/not set

J116 Jemima
Location: Albert Park Yacht Club, VIC.
Name Owner (Number)
JEMIMA Albert Park syndicate (7)
JEMIMA Leonie Crosbie (6)
JEMIMA Leonie Crosbie & Cate Matthews (5)
JEMIMA John Cheswick, Leonie Crosbie & Cate Mathews 4)
JEMIMA S Carter & G Kannourakis (3)
JEMIMA H Hepburn (2)
JEMIMA Heyworth (1)
Built/Builder: 1976/Savage

J117 Sarina Lea
Location: Tingira Yacht Club, Macleay Island Queensland
Name Owner (Number)
SARINA LEA R Harcourt (6)
SARINA LEA R Letheren (5)
SARINA LEA G Simpson (3)
GLISSADE P Lawson (2)
SARINA LEA J Cowle (1)
Built/Builder: 1975/Savage
Notes Steve Cowle 14/10/2009 Hull and deck built by Savage in late 1975
Fitted out by John Cowle 1976-1977
Launched in August 1977
Berthed on hard standing at Sandringham
Started racing at Brighton October 1977
3rd in 1977 Huntingfield Cup
Won 1989 Huntingfield Cup

J118 Redleg
Location: Ballaarat Yacht Club, VIC
Name Owner (Number)
REDLEG R Hawkes (4)
REDLEG G Hawkes (3)
REDLEG J Loveland (2)
REDLEG A Southwell (1)
Built/Builder: 1976/Savage

J119 Sapphire
Location: Ballaarat Yacht Club, VIC
Name Owner (Number)
SAPPHIRE M Cantwell (6)
SAPPHIRE M Blythe (5)
SAPPHIRE I Mosley (4)
DEMON SAL G Simpson (3)
DEMON SAL H Baker (2)
LISA II H Kambo (1)
BuiltBuilder: 1978/Savage
Notes Ray Lloyd 25/9/2009 J119 Demon Sal has a name change to Sapphire. Mike Blythe 29/3/2016 Sapphire has been located at BYC since early 2014. She is rigged I would say, close to 1978 rigging. Any further details about history of J119 would be appreciated. mbca1@bigpond.com