J41 Kimba
Location: Balmain, NSW
Name Owner(Number)
KIMBA C Ellis (3)
KIMBA Des Kearney (2)
KIMBA Bob Davis (1)
Built/Builder: 1938/ William Joseph Goddard
Notes Mori Flapan (www.boatregister.net) 22/07/2010
Jubilee class. Centreboard. Celery top pine planked, baltic pine deck. Rudder &tiller hung from transom. Described as an eighteen foot half-deck knockabout. 18' Loa, 16' lws. 16" draft 193.33sq' sail. Mast halliard sheave 26' above deck. 17.7 cwt displ. 4.5 cwt ballast inside. Maximum drop of centreplate 2' 8". One of 9 Jubilee class built from the same log (probably by Goddard). 1938/08/20 reported that six boats under construction at Goddard's boatshed, Palm Beach, to be raced by RPAYC. Dingle was responsible for starting the Jubilee Class in NSW. 1938/12/17 won 1st Jubilee race in NSW that was sailed at the opening of the RPAYC clubhouse at Green Point, Pittwater against 13 others in the class. 1938/12/27 won morning race at Pittwater regatta. 1939 won 1st Anniversary Regatta at Sydney. RSYS. 1951 a successful yacht in the lighter classes. 1967 still racing on Sydney Harbour. Derelict & destined for chain saw prior to 1995, rescued by boatbuilder Nigel Shannon. 2001-02 restored, reribbed with spotted gum, new beech deck, converted to gaff rig, fitted with new motor Beta diesel. 2002 partly reribbed at the Classic & Wooden Boat Festival. 2006/03 for sale at Classic &Wooden Boat Festival at Darling Harbour, Sydney. 2006/11 for sale in NSW 15K.
Bob Davis 07/07/2010 As to J41 Kimba, prior to 1968 it was owned by Dick Ridoutt and Colin Wright.
In 1968 I bought out Colin Wright and owned Kimba with Dick Ridoutt until in 1971, I won J105 Windfall in the raffle and J41 was sold to Des Kearney. (Dick Ridoutt would be well into his 90's and now lives in Toorak). Further as to J105, you can imagine the angst amongst the Victorians when there was the big drawing of the raffle function. The only ticket sold in NSW was the winner. Tickets were $10 each, quite a lot of money then.
Don Taylor in Sydney was doing very well in his timber Corella. Knowing that what would be the first glass Jube to come to Sydney was on its way, Don ordered a glass hull, with my J105 Windfall and Don's J107 (Corella like his timber Jube), both coming up the Hume on the one truck.
The Commodore of Royal Sydney Yacht Club at the time was Dicko Dickson. It considerably helped in transport from the Savage Yard to the lawns of RSYS, that Dicko also happened to be Chairman of Brambles Transport Industries. I am still waiting for the bill.
I later took J105 back to Melbourne for what I think was the 1975 Huntingfield. I still have nightmares about backing my Rover and trailer along the RBYC jetty after Windfall was lifted into the water. Similar nightmares because nobody had told me about turning right from the left lane and a tram seemed to think I should know.
I had said earlier that I sold Windfall to Tony Hellmrich, in fact Sandy Hellmrich.
Coincidentally with hearing from you, I to-day pick up a half-hull model of a Jube from a local modeller who has worked on it from the detail in the Jubilee book.
Cheers, Bob Davis, an E24 owner on the Swan for 32 years but who thinks very fondly of his Jubilee days.
Peter Kearney 16/2/2008 I used to sail on her when she was owned by Bob Davis at the Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron in the 70S. Bob moved to Perth and My Father Des Kearney purchased Her and later became the president of the association.
J42 Aloha
Location: Wahroonga, NSW
Name Owner (Number)
ALOAHA P Makinson (1)
Built/Builder: not set/not set
J45 Jessica (was Sea Sprite)
Location: Macleay Island QLD
Name Owner (Number)
Jessica B Legg (2)
SEA SPRITE B Moore (1)
Built/Builder: 1946/Halvorsen's
Notes John Bright 19/8/2008
I believe the "Sea Sprite" J45 was built in Sydney at the Halvorsen's Putney/Ryde yard in 1946.
I was told that, during WW11, my father helped the Halvorsen brothers obtain fuel and other items that were in short supply for their boat building business. At the end of the war, one of the Halvorsen brothers towed a jubilee yacht down to my father’s dock (“Bright’s Dock”) at Balmain and presented it to him for his sons in appreciation of his assistance during the war. This is the J45 yacht named “Sea Sprite”
It is highly unlikely that the Halvorsens would have given a second-hand yacht as a present, or one constructed other than at their own yard. In addition, I distinctly remember my father saying the “Sea Sprite” was towed downstream to Balmain. Consequently, it is reasonable to assume that the yacht was built at the Halvorsen’s yard at Ryde/Putney and, because it was a personal gift, was not included in the official manifest of yachts produced by the Halvorsen brothers.
I would suggest the yacht was manufactured in 1946. I definitely remember sailing in it with my much older brothers (probably as ballast) as a young boy in the late 1940s/early 1950s. So far as I know, the yacht has always sailed out of R.P.A.Y.C., although I did see it in racing in Port Jackson some 20 years ago.
I have also provided (below) a photograph of the yacht taken on Pittwater on “Australia Day” in 1947.
2022 - Purchased by Bruce and transferred to Macleay Island for restoration.
J46 Hylda
Location: Newport, NSW
Name Owner (Number)
HYLDA G Leo (1)
Built/Builder: not set/not
J48 Southwind
Current Location: Chile, South America
Name Owner (Number)
SOUTHWIND M Campana (2)
Built/Builder: not set/not set
J54 Jubilant
Current Location: Sorrento, VIC
Name Owner (Number)
JUBILANT Bob McDonald (2)
JUBILANT K Raymond (1)
Built/Builder: 1938/Riddell
Notes Mori Flapan (www.boatregister.net) 22/07/2010 Jubilee class. Centreboard. 18' Loa, 16' lws. 16" draft 193.33sq' sail. Mast halliard sheave 26' above deck. 17.7 cwt displ. 4.5 cwt ballast inside. Maximum drop of centreplate 2' 8". 1938/12/17 participated in first Jubilee Class race held in NSW at Pittwater. 1938/12/27 second in morning race at Pittwater regatta, second in afternoon race dead heat with Forty Sixty (qv). Raced for Huntingfield cup, nd. 1970s loaned by Raymont to RSYS as training boat. 1975-2005 stored in the basement of an office block in the Sydney CBD. 2005 hull described as generally fair but some cupping of planks, garboards split at skeg. 2005/08 restoration commenced by Ian Cockman of Nepean Boats, to be restored, a fair number of ribs to be replaced, possibly garboards, new floors & bearers, plate case to be replaced.
Bob McDonald 15/5/2010
Currently being enjoyed. Looking beautiful and sailing well.
J55 C Charm
Location: Church Point, NSW
Name Owner (Number)
C CHARM C Bermingham (3)
Built/Builder: 1949/J Hayes & Sons
Notes Ian Ritchie, 02/11/2010
Jubilant (J55) now C Charm and Corella (J64) were all Riddell built about the same time. ?
J57 The Rose
Location: Elizabeth Bay, NSW
Name Owner (Number)
THE ROSE A Rotem (3)
THE ROSE R Mackay (2)
PETREL not set
Built/Builder: 1938 Ford/not set
Notes Rowland Mackay, 15/10/2011
On 6/8/11, after 19 years of pleasurable ownership, J57 was sold. The new owner is a A Rotem, of Elizabeth Bay, Sydney.
The jubilee was sold through a broker, and unfortunately I never had the chance to meet the above gentleman. I have not received any contact from him since then.
Your association records show J57, as Petrel, won the 1946 Huntingfield Cup and was successful in other years, so of the few timber Jubilees of that vintage that still remain, it would be a shame to see J57 lost.
Thus, I hope you may be able to contact Mr Rotem & have success in encouraging him to keep J57 on your records.
Kind Regards, Rowland Mackay
(ps...Bob Simmit of the RSY advised me some years ago that J57 was built in 1938 by Ford. In 1992, I purchased it from Grant Williams of Woolwich, who had renamed it The Rose... a name I kept. He had told me he had purchased it from the Local sea scouts (it was not being used) and who had been given it by the Navy).
J61 Jabiru
Location: Goolwa Regatta Yacht Club, SA
Name Owner (Number)
JABIRU A Gordon (5)
JABIRU S West (4)
COOLARLIE M Badenoch (3)
COOLARLIE P Malone (2)
COOLARLIE E Foster (1)
Built/Builder: not set/not set
Notes Stephen West 11/10/2007
She is in excellent condition, moored at the Goolwa Regatta Yacht Club in South Australia.
She has completed many Milang to Goolwa races, winning in her class a number of times.
J64 Corella
Location: Port Hacking, Sydney
Name Owner (Number)
CORELLA Ross Lawton (3)
CORELLA Ian Ritchie & Paul Purvis (2)
CORELLA D Lahm (1)
Built/Builder: 1939/Riddell
Sold by Ian to Ross in 2018.
Ian Ritchie, 02/11/2010
She is now named Corella, owned by me and Paul Purvis. History: Riddell built in 1939, sat in Goddard’s shed (at Palm Beach) for some years, presumably during the war. Ballast 477lbs. Owners were J Shelley, as White-Maa; S Doyle and F Albert as Mirramar III; D Taylor as Corella; D Roberts and P Snowball as Snafu; Dermer Bennett as Corella (?);
D Lamb; then P Purvis and I Ritchie.
Certificate Registered J55 (to be clarified)
Location: Church Point, NSW
Name Owner (Number)
GAUNTLET D Bennett (1)
Built/Builder: not set/not set
J67 Ripple
Location: not set, NSW
Name Owner (Number)
RIPPLE not set (3)
RIPPLE P Kearney (2)
RIPPLE L Waddy (1)
Built/Builder: not set/not set
J81 Le Marin
Location: Pittwater, NSW
Name Owner (Number)
LE MARIN R Howe (4)
LE MARIN V O’Brien (3)
LE MARIN not set (2)
LE MARIN H Tedstone (1)
Built/Builder: 1964/Lackington
J82 Flash
Location: Queenscliff, VIC
Name Owner (Number)
FLASH Queenscliffe Maritime Museum (8)
FLASH I Cockman (7)
FLASH not set
FLASH D Brewer (5)
FLASH D McIntosh (4)
FLASH not set
FLASH R Lloyd (2)
FLASH N Neale (1)
Built/Builder: 1965/Lackington
Notes Jennifer Gilbert, 12/11/2010
We have J82 Flash here (Queenscliffe Maritime Museum), as previously advised, courtesy of the Cockmans (Ian and Sue). Whilst her condition is desperate, she is in her own (historic) shed at the Museum, first the shed needs to be repaired, which has started, and then work can commence the restoration of Flash – which will be a very long project. But she is the only Jubilee in a Museum collection and will eventually go on display to promote the class. Meanwhile, the restoration process will be visible to interested parties as it progresses.
Ray Lloyd 10/9/2009
Ian and Sue Cockman have donated Flash J82 to the Queenscliffe Maritime Museum.
J83 Beverley
Location: Lamb Island, Moreton Bay, Queensland, QLD
Name Owner (Number)
BEVERLEY D Gemmell (5)
BEVERLEY G Boxshall (4)
BEVERLEY J Lewis (3)
BEVERLEY D Blanksby / J Lewis / G Boxshall (2)
LYLA A Woodland (1)
Built/Builder: 1964/Lackington
Notes Tony Harland, 06/02/2012 Thought you might be interested in these shots of "Beverley" on the slip where I work last weekend. She still looks terrific and is well maintained by her present owner Dave Gemmell. I took him round to see "Jason (still in our front yard awaiting a cockpit cover) and he's pretty excited about having another Jubilee nearby. Then this morning on his way across in the ferry to pick up "Beverley",he ran into Mike King ("Nereid") who's a decky on the ferry, so he really thinks he's in Jube territory now.
Glenn Boxshall, 26/09/2011 I sold "Beverley BJ83" approx. 3 years ago and she was taken interstate to Lamb Island, Moreton Bay, Queensland. I passed the details of the sale onto the Association at the time. I will need to look up the name and contact details of the buyer. He is a retired cabinet maker/carpenter with an interest in wooden boats who had the skills to keep and maintain her.
Donald Blanksby, 09/04/2011 The boat was named after Beverly Blanksby.
J84 Pimpernel
Location: not set
Name Owner (Number)
PIMPERNEL N Meaden (4)
PIMPERNEL R Chisholm (3)
PIMPERNEL A Chisholm (2)
PIMPERNEL G Douglas / A Chisholm / R Chisholm / N Meaden (1)
Built/Builder: not set/Lackington
J85 Halcyone
Location: Tasmania
Name Owner (Number)
HALCYONE G Dineen (7)
HALCYONE Q Wilkinson & B Drenin (6)
HALCYONE J Emery (5)
HALCYONE P Crouch (4)
HALCYONE F Pound (2)
SARAWAKI II C Douglas/G Litski (1)
Built/Builder: not set/not set
J100 Sarawaki III
Location: Ballaarat Yacht Club, Vic.
Name Owner (Number)
SARAWAKI III B Johnston (7)
SARAWAKI III J Wells / P Furze (6)
SARAWAKI III R Coleman / P Furze (5)
SARAWAKI III R Coleman / D Silva (4)
SARAWAKI III J McIlwraith (2)
REVENGE J Dunn (1)
Built/Builder: 1969/Savage
J101 Chardonnay
Location: Ballarat Yacht Club, Vic.
Name Owner (Number)
CHARDONNAY E Johnston (4)
SEA WITCH S Kronstedt (1)
Built/Builder: 1970/Savage
Location: Sydney, NSW
Name Owner (Number)
not set J Gould (1)
Built/Builder: not set/not set
J103 Lewana
Location: Ballarat, Vic.
Name Owner (Number)
LEWANA Dave Wilson (4)
MANANA II J & N Cameron (3)
LEWANA G Grant (2)
LEWANA D Atkinson / G Grant / (1)
Built/Builder: not set/Savage