J1 Freydis
Location: Ballarat, VIC
Name Owner (Number)
FREYDIS Gifted to JYA in 2018
FREYDIS Jubilee Yacht Assoc (Vic) (10)
FREYDIS Bryan Linacre (9)
FREYDIS RBYC Jubilee Fleet (8)
FREYDIS J Mitchelson (7)
FREYDIS P Mitchelson (6)
FREYDIS D Bradford (5)
FREYDIS C L Banfield (4)
FREYDIS J B Linacre (3)
FREYDIS J H Linacre (2)
FREYDIS J A Linacre (1)
Built/Builder:1935/Chas Peel
Notes: In 2018 Bryan Linacre son of the original owner retired from sailing at age 92 years. Bryan Gifted Freydis to the JYA for restoration and active use.
Restoration has commenced aided by a donation from the RBYC Jubilee Fleet.
Progress is being recorded under the Restorations Tab.

J2 Sylvia
Location: Destroyed in collision, VIC
Name Owner (Number)
SYLVIA P Mitchelson (5)
SYLVIA not set
SYLVIA D Jarret (3)
SYLVIA Telford Smith (2)
SYLVIA H Jamieson (1)
Built/Builder:1935/Chas Peel
J3 Rotanes
Location: not set
Name Owner (Number)
ROTANES H Halm (5)
ROTANES T Seal (4)
ROTANES not set
ROTANES J Akhurst (2)
ROTANES A Akhurst (1)
Built/Builder:1935 T Russell/A Akhurst
Message from Pam Russell My father built "Rotanes" with J Akhurst. His name was Edward Evan Russell, known as Ted.
J4 Aeolus
Location: Sorrento, VIC
Name Owner (Number)
AEOLUS J Madden (7)
AEOLUS M Waterworth (6)
AEOLUS A Gray (5)
AEOLUS B Davis (4)
AEOLUS P Lechte (3)
AEOLUS A Morehen (2)
AEOLUS L Pound (1)
Built/Builder:1935 L Pound/G Douglas
J5 Fulmar
Location: not set
Name Owner (Number)
FULMAR R Bowden (2)
FULMAR D Stewart (1)
Built/Builder:1935 C Peel
J6 Seawitch
Location: Sorrento, VIC
Name Owner (Number)
SEAWITCH R Cronstedt (9)
LYLA A Woodland (8)
SCOR E Roberts (7)
SCOR R Ham (6)
SCOR D Davenport (5)
SCOR I Murphy (4)
SCOR A C Finlay (3)
BRAMAC W Ross (2)
BRAMAC H Olsen (1)
Built/Builder:1935/C Peel
J7 Kyeema
Location: Sorrento, VIC
Name Owner (Number)
KYEEMA W Brown (4)not set
KYEEMA J Devine (3)
KYEEMA A Gross (2)
KYEEMA G Beyer (1)
Built/Builder:1935/D Robt
J8 Sarawaki I
Location: Melbourne, VIC
Name Owner (Number)
SARAWAKI I Peter McKeon (7)
SARAWAKI I F Allen (6)
SARAWAKI I not set
SARAWAKI I J McIlwraith (4)
SARAWAKI I D Linacre (3)
SARAWAKI I A Grieg (2)
SARAWAKI I T Stooke (1)
Built/Builder: 1936/J Botterill
Sue Cockman 10/10/2011
Fred actually gave the boat to a fellow Ian taught in a “build a small boat” course we ran. His name is Peter McKeon. Peter and his partner, Kate have done a great deal of work on Sarawaki, but alas have not finished. She is at their place in Melbourne.

J9 Chinwi
Location: not set
Name Owner (Number)
CHINWI A D Lang (3)
LEANDER R Hoffert (2)
LEANDER R Franklin (1)
Built/Builder:1935/J Botterill
J10 Foxy Lady
Location: not set
Name Owner (Number)
FOXY LADY R Rogers (7)
STORMY H Kambo (6)
STORMY G Douglas (5)
KOONWARRA M Isaacs (4)
STORMY T Fitchett (2)
Built/Builder:1935/C Peel
J11 Tahiti
Location: Ballarat, VIC
Name Owner (Number)
TAHITI J Brewer (11)
TAHITI R Golding (10)
TAHITI H Morrow (9)
TAHITI R McDonald (8)
TAHITI David Gully (7)
TAHITI D Blanksby (6)
TAHITI R Ham (5)
TAHITI R Tapson (4)
TAHITI R Pincus (3)
TAHITI Dowling (2)
TAHITI P George (1)
Built/Builder: 1936/ Botterill
Tahiti was gifted to the Ballaarat Yacht Club by the son of its previous owner. She was then sold onto John Brewer for a token who has spent some years on her careful restoration and she should be relaunched in 2024.
Up until 2006, Tahiti J11 was still sailing... not frequently but about every three weeks. Rod Golding reported that he had a good winter series in 2006 ... we actually won the 2005 Port Adelaide SC Winter series... but not such a good start to current summer series... I can only compete in the Port River races which accounts for about half the races.

J12 Sirrocco
Location: Ballarat, VIC
Name Owner (Number)
SIROCCO W Iwanowski (7)
SIROCCO John Allen (6)
SIROCCO B Atkins (5)
SIROCCO F Whitworth (4)
VAMARIE H Grey (3)
VAMARIE K Patterson (2)
VAMARIE W Finlay (1)
Built/Builder: 1936/J Botterill
J13 Nirvana
Location: Mt Eliza, VIC
NIRVANA Des Russell (5)
NIRVANA D Long (4)
NIRVANA K Williams (3)
NIRVANA D W Collins (2)
NIRVANA T Searle (1)
Built/Builder: 1938/Higgs Bros
John Russell 1/1/2006 In 1975 my father Des Russell bought ‘Nirvava’ from David Long, Sorrento Sailing Club. Nirvana is a classic huon pine timber hulled boat which sailed an additional 2 seasons with the fleet at Sorrento before Des retired from club sailing and used the yacht, now fibre glassed below the waterline, for leisure sailing on the Gippsland lakes. The yacht has all stainless rigging, mast, lead ballast and sails. The some gunnel and cockpit timbers and mast housing need replacing. It has a custom built trailer. It currently sits in Mt Eliza awaiting restoration. I lack the motivation.
J14 Elokah
Location: not set
ELOKAH K Mack (4)
ELOKAH E Darbyshire (3)
ELOKAH J Nacham (2)
ELOKAH T Williams (1)
Built/Builder: 1937 J Botterill
Richard Wood 25/5/2011 J14 being rebuilt in Mornington by John Fletcher.
J15 Tai kai
TAI KA not set
Built/Builder: Noel Higgs, Higgs Brothers

J16 Zaraida
Location: not set
ZARAIDA L Wiggs (3)
ZARAIDA Tom Hawks (2)
ZARAIDA Anderson (1)
Built/Builder: 1937 Higgs Bros
Philip Ward 01/10/2009 Read with interest the article in the current QMM newsletter about the class. Seems umpteen years ago I crewed on Zoraida–don't remember the sail number–for a couple of seasons in the mid 1940s. She was then owned by Tom Hawkes, who also raced “open wheelers”.His family owned a large hardware store here in Geelong. Her skipper was named Warren Tansley. We sailed “round the sticks” here in Corio Bay, with some success in handicap events as well as a couple of outings to the Linacre Cup to Brighton. As we know, a very sea kindly design, fun to sail and a good safe yacht in lumpy weather. Ahh... the memories. Best regards Phil Ward.
J17 Sorrento Moo
Location: Macleay
SORRENTO MOO Trevor and Jennie Rodgers
LEANNE N Essex (5)
LEANNE S T Clark (4)
PRESTIGE W Halliburton (3)
PRESTIGE E Lawrence (2)
PRESTIGE W Medcalf (1)
Built/Builder: not set/J Botteril
J18 Frolic
Location: Hastings, VIC
FROLIC Tom Moloney (4)
FROLIC F Jolly (3)
FROLIC L Riley (2)
FROLIC J Jarrold (1)
Built/Builder: 1939/not set
J19 Melody
Location: Rozelle, NSW
MELODY H Stone (3)
MELODY N Woolnough (2)
MELODY K Brown (1)
Built/Builder: 1939/J Botterill
J20 Rhythm
Location: not set
RHYTHM N McInnes (1)
Built/Builder: not set/not set
J21 Samoa
Location: Sorrento, VIC
SAMOA I Cockman (7)
SAMOA not set
SAMOA D Burrows (5)
SAMOA F Quick (4)
SAMOA J Sandford (3)
SAMOA W Raper (2)
SAMOA H Stephens (1)
Built/Builder: 1939/H Stephens
J22 Kareelah
Location: Nungurner, VIC
KAREELAH Chris Mills (5)
KAREELAH Geelong Grammar School Yacht Club (4)
KAREELAH Charles Fisher (3)
KAREELAH K Storey (2)
KAREELAH C Tadgill (1)
Built/Builder: 1938/Higgs Bros
2017 Now on dry dock and in restoration.
Roger Spooner 22/2/2012 I have worked as boat builder/sailing coach at Geelong Grammar School Yacht Club (GGSYC) for 13 years and the boat J22 was given to the school one year before I started. The school is the third owner and the boat with trailer came from somewhere near Lake Hume. The boat is now in storage looking for a new owner as the yacht club has moved to teams racing in the pacer class. The boat about which the person was talking about, was owned by Charles Fisher – a 14ft Botany Bay class open yacht. Yes, it was owned by Charles Fisher and given to the school when he died around 1975 .
The Karaleeh was built by Higgs Bros in Geelong. The Geelong Grammar School holds the original papers and the records of each owner.
Charles Weatherly 28/8/2006 I believe J22 currently sits in the Geelong Grammar School Yacht Club yard and is known as the Jubilee. I believe it came down from Sydney in 1974. Charles Fisher was appointed Principle of Geelong Grammar on my last year it could have been 1973 when I was in year 11, this would be easy to check. Any way I remember this special boat of the School Principle appearing in the Lagoon. I think it was white then, it is now light blue school colours. The GGSYC uses the Jubilee now as it was left to the Club. I have not had much contact with the Club in the last 20 years so that is all I know. J22 has been in Limeburners lagoon since Charles Fisher became Principle of Geelong Grammar and was handed to the School Yacht Club after he died. It still has a wooden mast, wide wooden spreaders and looks in good condition.
J23 Fulmar II
Location: not set
FULMAR II K Lacy (3)
VAGABOND M Froude (2)
VAGABOND P McKinley (1)
Built/Builder: 1938/not set
J24 Zest
Location: Port Fairy, Vic
ZEST P Johnston (6)
ZEST G Harder (5)
ZEST B Brannelly (4)
SCOR A Moylan (3)
SCOR D McGlashan (2)
SCOR A Finlay (1)
Built/Builder : 1938/Higgs Bros
Peter Johnston 3/3/2006 Zest is in excellent shape. She was fully restored in 1996 and sailed the Hunting field in Sydney not long after. In her restoration my father and I glue splined her huon pine hull and provided her with a teak deck and Honduras mahogany coamings. The glue splining has stabilised her hull and form. She attended a number of wooden boat shows and still retains her wooden mast. Zest has not been sailed for 5 - however, there is a window of opportunity for her to grace the waters again this autumn.
J25 Freelance
FREELANCE Elizabeth Hu/Queenscliff Maritime Museum (10)
Built/Builder : 1938/Higgs Bros
Elizabeth purchased Freelance in 2017 built by her father Noel Higgs, now donated to Queenscliff Maritime Museum.