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Oldest Jubilee is racing with the newest Jubilee

In 1935 the first Jubilee, FREYDIS was launched to much anticipation and excitement amongst the small gathering at the Royal Brighton Yacht Club. The Jubilee One Design Class Yacht had entered the Australian yachting fraternity. Designed as an affordable boat of modest and classic proportions, realised by renowned and respected boat designer Charles Peel, to suit the sailing conditions of Port Philip Bay.

Word soon spread and the Jubilee class began to grow, becoming a popular boat of choice with yacht clubs around the bay and. It was not long before the sailing clubs of NSW began to pay attention. In short time the Jubilee class began to be built and sailed in Pittwater, and a fleet began at Royal Prince Albert Yacht Club.

Freydis J1, is still racing more than 80 years after she was first put into the waters of Port Philip Bay and is a testament to the skills of her designers and builder. At the recent 2016 Jubilee Nationals, hosted at Royal Brighton Yacht Club, the competing fleet was 'bookended' by Freydis J1 and Renaissance J137 the most recent Jubilee to be built and the winner of the 2015 and 2016 Huntingfield Cup and 2015 and 2016 J.A. Linacre Trophy. See images at

The number of timber Jubilees still sailing have diminished over the years, but those that have been restored or maintained like Freydis are now classics and represent the class with class. Jason J40, Nereid J39 and Jubilant J54 are fine examples of the timber Jubilee.

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