January 2023
Racing Rule 9:
Each yacht shall be fitted with at least one effective manually operated bilge pump, and may be fitted with an electric bilge pump in addition.
Page 11
(2009 Referendum)
Racing Rule 10: Page 11
A foredeck breakwater may be fitted. Such device shall be in accordance with the detail shown on the annexed drawing which is hereby incorporated into the Class Plans.
(1987 Referendum)
Rule 4.2.4
Delete all words after the first sentence.
Page 24
(2009 Referendum)
Rule 4.2.5 page 24
Delete all words after the first sentence.
(2009 Referendum)
Rule 4.5.2
Delete in entirety.
Pages 29 and 30
(2009 Referendum)
Test Laminate
Rule 4.6.4
Delete the sentence "12.5mm balsa boards or 25mm (1") PVC Foam boards laid transversely with webs at approx. 300mm (12") centres.
Page 30
(JYA [VIC] Committee Resolution — August 1997)
Rule 4.7.4
Deletion of the word "Asbestos" and replacement with the word "bonding".
Page 32
(2009 Referendum)
Rule 5
Add the following additional paragraphs after the word "cut":
Page 32
Where the king bolt penetrates the centrep/ate to provide reasonable bearing, the centreplate may be built up in steel to a total maximum diameter centred on the centreline of the king bolt of 4" (100mm) and shall have a total maximum thickness of 3/4" (18mm).
Centre Plate
Where the point of attachment for raising and lowering the centreplate occurs, the centreplate may be built up in steel to a total maximum of 3/4" (18mm), covering a maximum area of 2"x 2" (50mm X 50mm).
In order to control the sideways play of the centreplate within the plate case, the area of the centreplate above the line of the keel of the boat, when the centreplate is in the maximum drop position in
accordance with the Rules, may be packed with a material of a thickness sufficient to restrict sideways movement. The packing material shall not be of metal; and the fixing of the packing material is optional. The total weight of the packing shall not exceed 2.5kg.
No portion of the packing may protrude below the keel-line when the plate is at its maximum drop.
(1986 Referendum
Rule 9.3.1
Add the following paragraph after the figures (2 1/8"):
Page 33
The aluminium spinnaker pole shall be a minimum diameter of 35mm.
Aluminium Spinnaker Pole
(1987 Referendum)
Rule 9.3.1(a)
Add the following additional paragraph:
Page 33
The mast may be stepped utilising the tabernacle as on the plans, or directly on the frame to which the tabernacle would otherwise be attached.
Mast Stepping
(1987 Referendum)
Rule 9.3.3
Delete in entirety.
Page 33
(2009 Referendum)
Internal Halyards
Rule 14(b)
Delete 14(b) in entirety and replace with:
Page 36
(b) Jib: maximum dimensions shall be: Luff 4877mm (16 ft.), Leech 4572mm (15ft.), Foot 2286mm (7ft. 6in.), Centre measurement
Jib Measurement
4800mm (15ft. 9in.)
The Centre measurement shall be measured from the head of the jib to the centre of the foot.
Offset of the foot below the line joining tack and clew:
At either of the quarter points 162mm (6 3/8in.)
Mid point 215mm (8 1/2in.)
Luff, leech, foot and centre measurements shall be taken to be to the intersection of the extensions of the lines of the edges of the sail as appropriate.
The jib shall have a wire luff of 7 x 7 stainless steel flexible wire rope of 3.175mm (1/8in.) diameter or of equal or greater breaking strain.
Jib battens may be used but only two are allowed spaced as shown in the sail plan. Batten pockets shall be no more than 38mm (1 1/2in.) wide and maximum lengths shall be 230mm
Not more than 7 evenly spaced fastening devices shall be used to attach the luff of the jib to the forestay, and the maximum width of each device shall be 50mm (2in.)
(1987 Referendum)
Rule 14(e)
Delete the phrase "I.Y.R.U. Yacht Racing Rules, Addendum, on Sail Measurement" and repiace with:
Page 37
"I.S.A.F.: The Equipment Rules of Sailing"
Sail windows
(2009 Referendum)
4.1.1 General.
Deletion of the words "construction may be carried .out with other approved fibres and resins" in the seventh and eighth lines and substitution therefore of the words "the specification may be varied to accommodate changes in technology and availability of specified items or to rectify a specification that practical experience has found to be inadequate".
The Committee has from time to time had to address difficulties caused by the specifications being inappropriate. The weight of spinnaker cloth is one obvious example, and the deletion of core materials from the d(!ck construction in the last five Jubilees to be constructed is another. The committee must be in a position to use common sense and allow the class to keep pace with modern developments that effect the specifications where such does not effect the generally conservative nature of the class
that has enabled it to survive where many others have disappeared
4.2.4 Polyester Bonding Compound
Deletion of an words after "in general" in line four.
It is sufficient to specify that the bonding compound must be polyester based and formulate,! or mixed to specific requirements. Most boat builders use p1(proprietary products .supplied by the two major distributors. They certainly do not contain asbestos fibre and if is unwise in the extreme for the Association to provide any prescription in respect to the fibres or agents to be added to the bonding compound.
4.2.5 Polyester Syntactic Pilling Compound, ,
Deletion of all words commencing "where required in the fifth line".
Exactly the same reasoning applies in respect to filling compounds as it does with bonding compounds.
4.5.2 Test Laminate.
This item should be deleted in it's entirety.
A test laminate was made for both J130 and 131. A specific mould was made for that purpose. It is a simple enough task to duplicate the hull laminate in that mould, but there is little or nothing to be gained in that process.
A surveyor needs to satisfy himself that the laminate in the hull is at least to specifications over the whole hull and there has not,. been any attempt to significantly change the specification or distribution of glass and resin to achieve a perceived performance advantage. The laying up of a test laminate does not prevent that process and is really only "window dressing", A boat builder that wishes to distort the integrity
of the process will not hesitate to lay up a test laminate that has nothing to do with that in the hull.
4.6.4 Deck Scantling.
Delete from "12.5mm (112") Balsa boards" in line four through to "Chopped Rovings" in line ten and eleven and replacement with "1830glm2 60z/sq.ft. Chopped Strand Mat or Chopped Rovings.
Suitable hollow reinforcing conduits or frames where required to stiffen and reinforce the deck shall be of the same laminate as this".
The use of Balsa boards or 1 " PVC foam in the decks has proved not satisfactory as a long term construction method Water penetration has a devastating effect over years
and the core material achieves the consistency of wet blotting paper. It is far better to recognize the unsuitability of such core materials and replace them with a simple fibreglass laminate.
4.7.4 Assembly.
The word asbestos should be deleted from the third line and replaced with the word "Bonding".
Again it is unwise to be prescriptive in the type of bonding compound to be used The word asbestos should certainly not appear and the Association should not be seen to be promoting one type of commercial bonding compound in preference to another.
9.3.3 Should be deleted in its entirety.
It was sensible for the Association to prescribed external halyards when a large proportion of the masts in the fleet were solid wooden masts. There should have been no additional advantage for someone using an aluminium mast by being able to lead their halyard internally when the owners of wooden masts could not do so.
Given the dimensions of the aluminium mast, the speed at which Jubilees progress through the water and the relatively unsophisticated nature of the rigs, it probably makes little difference to performance as to whether halyard are internal or external. It does however make a great deal of difference to ease of use and deterioration when not in use and exposed to the elements. There are very few wooden masts left in the competitive fleet and allowing internal halyard would be sensible and a reflection of the change of balance between wood and aluminium.
10. Remove the words "and jib furling gear"
It is considered that jib furling equipment should allowed if desired. The dropping of the jib, whether hanked or not, can be difficult in strong winds. It generally requires a crew member on the deck. From a safety viewpoint, an easy means of removing the jib when short handed or in brisk conditions could be desirable especially with older or less strong crew. Modern jib furling equipment is cheap and reliable and should not be prohibited.
12. Yachts of Peculiar Construction and Evasions.
After the words "evades the spirit of them" in line five shall be inserted the following words "similarly every measurer shall report fully to the committee on any yacht which in his opinion fails to comply with the specifications and plan but which otherwise complies with the spirit of them and where such failure is unlikely to effect the speed, seaworthiness or durability of construction of the yacht".
The comma after the word "supreme controlling body" in line five shall be replaced with a full stop and the word "and" immediately thereafter shall be deleted.
After the final word "concerned" shall be added the following words "if after due enquiry the committee shall be of the opinion that a yacht fails to comply with the specifications and plans but such lack of compliance does not effect its speed, safety, durability of construction or appearance it may direct the measurer to issue a Measurement Certificate and may register the yacht concerned."
The rule as it currently stands is very sensible but does not go far enough. There are a number of yachts which do not comply with the strict specifications and yet are sailing in the fleets without any harm to themselves or to the class generally, A very obvious example is J12 (Sirocco). The cockpit has been enlarged at some time in the distant past. It is nevertheless an active member of the racing fleet at Ballarat and no one would suggest it is not a Jubilee and should not be registered. J11 (Tahiti) raced for 45 years of its life with a distorted mid-section where the weights were left in when the boat was placed on the hard. Although now rectified that distortion would have technically disqualified registration of the boat for this entire period.
It is sensible to give the committee the power to allow registration of boats which comply with the spirit of the rules but where for some reason the technical specifications are not met and cannot be easily rectified.
14. Sails.
The weight of the spinnaker cloth should be changed from 54g/m2 (1½ oz/sq. yd.) to 32 g/m2 (¾ oz/sq. yd).
Improvements in spinnaker cloth are such that 1½ oz is now the weight one would expect on a half tonne yacht or larger. Quarter tonners and yachts of up to 35 feet regularly use ¾ oz cloth and find it totally satisfactory. Most Jubilee spinnakers in the last ten years have been constructed from ¾ oz cloth and all have proved to be satisfactory.